Automotive Injection Molding and Paint Spraying.
Following a period of poor supply performance to their key customer, they were given a limited time to demonstrate a change in operational management approach and performance atthecustomer
Cross functional Team , including suppliers created an Operational Excellence roadmap, aligned to improve the performance of a specific customer facing value stream.
The management process was established and Data was used for the first time by local teams to identify issues and optimize performance.
Standards were introduced around CTQ points
The Benefits
Departments working together to deliver improved performance.
Improved communication across the entire business
Leaders at all levels promote C.I. focusing on the WHY whilst enabling the teams to focus on the WHAT and HOW
Operational Performance in the first year
Best ever daily output recognized by the supplier. (JLR)
FTT= 88%
RFT = 80%
OEE = 68%
Customer sales retained
Ways of working / systems of work
Daily management meetings set up that focused on daily improvement and next step actions.
KIPs aligned to ‘Improvement’.
Problem solving in the ‘Gemba’. At the point of activity.
Robust layered process audit checks
Standards being used around CTQ points.